The American Worker Solutions

Minimum Value Plans

For Employers Considering Offering Benefits As A Result Of ACA​

Many employers (especially those in compressed margin industries such as staffing services, retail and hospitality sectors) have not previously offered major medical insurance based on an inability to afford it. However, with ACA employer penalties, many employers have sought a compliant Minimum Value Plan (“MVP”) offering that meets requirements while costing substantially less than traditional medical plans. We have developed unique benefit plans and methods of administration that are specifically designed for high-turnover and low and medium wage industries.

Don’t forget about taxes. Some employers have used the $2,260 annual penalty ($167 per month) as a budget threshold. Since this amount is after-tax and not deductible, the effective cost of the penalty is substantially higher. According to KPMG, the corporate tax rate is approximately 40%, so a $2,260 penalty is in effect a $2,800 outlay.

At The American Worker, we’ve designed an affordable, low price point plan that works. Created by our actuarial experts and administered on our proprietary platform, we provide employers a compliant alternative to paying expensive penalties.